Thursday 27 June 2024


Day 10 on 23 June 2024 was at sea. All day. All night. Even in the open ocean the air was humid and the sun was hot. I slept in waking at 930am and hit the blog. I spent most of the day preparing posts for Days 7-9. Lucky for me my Mac survived the day remaining on the whole time. I took a break for lunch and continued until dinner. What a relief it was to post Days 7-9 and be up to date despite a sick Mac.


Day 11 on 24 June 2024 introduced our second and last atoll – Rangiora. This atoll is huge in terms of the size of oval and lagoon. It has the largest lagoon of all atolls in French Polynesia and the second largest lagoon of all atolls in the world !!! The lagoon is so big it might as well be the Pacific and stretches so far that it has its own horizon !!! It was a very cloudy day with the sun trying to peak in. We anchored close the village of Avatoru and the barge had us all on the dock by 830am. We then set out on four boats of 10 to visit three key places in the lagoon.


Our first stop was not actually a stop but a “float” on the very rough waves of the Tiputa Passage that connects the lagoon with the Pacific. There is a huge current and totally unswimmable. Why did we come here. To see one of 60 spinner dolphins that pass through here every day to feed in the Pacific after sleeping in the lagoon. We saw 8 of them, even jumping out of the water. Beautiful creatures.


Our second stop was snorkelling off a nearby mini-island known as “The Aquarium”. Why ? Because there are thousands of fish here with very good coral to feed them. Jumped in and snorkelled for 30min. Saw two smaller Reef Sharks as soon as I hit the water. Reefs are not interested in us – I had to chase them with my super large flippers just to film them. This place was so much better then Fakarava. The photos tell all.


Our third and final stop was a good 15min high-speed ride away passed the airport and opposite the village of Avatoru. This place is known as “The Green Lagoon” because it is a river of water trapped on a sandy shelf and very green in colour. I swam a huge 2.6km here because it was so nice. I then took a walk on the inlet side opposite the village. We were here for 2.5hrs and thoroughly enjoyable. The ship provided cold pineapple juice and fresh coconut in the husk. Just right after a 2.6km swim with ultra salty lips.


We got back to the port at 1230pm and got whisked away back to the ship for a quick shower then lunch. We set sail for Bora Bora during the lunch and enjoyed some extra wine. I missed most breakfasts having only two on days I knew I would be running and swimming. Breakfast featured, cereal, toast, pancakes, croissants, pastries, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, hash browns, sautéed veggies, cold juices and coffee. Lunches and Dinners are both 3-course and very fancy. Desert is especially fancy. I do half the lunches and of course all the dinners. We have enjoyed duck, roast beef, many varieties of fish, potatoes, beans, broccoli, muscles and even cauliflower soup on one occasion. We all slept early tonight since Bora Bora was going to be a very Busy Busy day !!!



Distance from Papeete: 339km

Land Size compared to Sydney: 0.6%

Lagoon Size compared to Sydney: 11.7% (Lagoon 80km by 32km)

Coastline: 2,560km

Population: 2,473

Highest Peak: 12m

Claim to Fame: Spinner Dolphins & Reef Sharks.


Feast your eyes on the last of the Tuamotus…


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